Frequently Asked Questions

You've got questions. We are here to help.

Do I need to use Bitcoin to work with you?

No! You don’t have to know anything about Bitcoin (or other cryptocurrencies) to work with us.

Why should I accept cryptocurrencies for my house?

This opens up a larger pool of buyers nationally who want to use cryptocurrencies to purchase properties. The best part is that you get paid in regular US Dollars (or crypto if you want).

What about the volatility of cryptocurrencies?

Our process removes all volatility risk. For example, if a buyer wishes to purchase a home using Bitcoin, and the seller wants US Dollars, our escrow services accept the Bitcoin and sell it to US Dollars. It is the responsibility of the party that wants to use Bitcoin to assume the volatility risk.

How does recording deeds on the blockchain help me?

One of the major benefits is preventing deed fraud. Courts accept documentation on the blockchain as admissible evidence that an event occurred. This protects buyers and sellers from someone trying to illegally resell their house.

What crypto currencies do you accept?

We are able to use most major currencies. Our favorites are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDC.

What blockchain do you record the deed on?

Ethereum blockchain

Do you still record the deed at the county?

Yes. Everything that happens during a “normal transaction” happens with us. Everything we do is in addition to a regular transaction to make it more secure.

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