How Block Real Estate Group makes

transactions more transparent

Propy Transaction Management

At Block Real Estate Group, we use a transaction and offer management system called Propy to give you maximum transparency as part of our drive to increase transparency and trust in real estate.

You can learn more at, but here are the leading reasons we use Propy:

Offer Management (Transparency and Accountability)

How many offers did I get? What are they? Is my agent holding any back?

These are questions we have heard from our clients, friends, and strangers in our real estate careers. An agent is an important asset in buying and selling real estate, but it’s important to know you can trust them.

With our dashboard, you now get instant notification of offers and you can review them immediately. We add a unique link to our listings for buyer agents to upload their listings.

Furthermore, we can compare multiple offers in an easily digestible, apple-to-apples format.

Transaction Management (More Transparency and Accountability)

If you’ve sold real estate before, then you understand how frustrating it can be waiting for updates and wondering if inspections or appraisals are completed.

We can get frustrated, too, because we don’t get to pick the agent we work with and some agents are… well, need some organizational help.

Our transaction management dashboard gives us the ability to assign tasks to all parties involved, including buyers agents, title companies, and lenders. We’re able to send reminders and notifications to those parties, many of which are done automatically.

Security (More Accountability)

We believe in security as much as we believe in transparency.

Our dashboard allows us to upload, sign, and share documents without sending sensitive information via email. Wire fraud is a major issue in real estate transactions, and the majority of wire fraud is done through email spoofing and hacking.

Furthermore, we record all of our transactions on the blockchain. This prevents title fraud, corruption, and human error. Recordings at the county level are taking months, but recording on the blockchain is done within minutes. Courts accept blockchain as admissible evidence because transactions are decentralized and unchangeable.

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